Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Uncharted Oddities

If you have played Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on the PS3, good for you. If you have followed the game since development you may know two obscure changes that were subtly made to the final game. First, Elena's hair was originally brown and was changed to blonde. This change was mentioned by Naughty Dog since they thought she looked better as a blonde. In the Game Informer issue #168 April 2007 she has brown hair on the cover page and in the article. Also, in the original trailer (on the PSN or the internet) Elena has brown hair.

The second really odd and hard to spot difference is in Elena's video camera. In the original trailer and also in the Game Informer #168 article Elena uses a Sony brand HDV (High-def video) camera. In the retail release the Sony name and HDV were taken off the camera in the game. Why would Sony pull their name off a video camera (a market they dominate) in one of the biggest Ps3 games from Fall 2007? There is one cut scene that I believe holds the answer. Elena goes into the water with her video camera in one cut scene. I believe that Sony was worried that the scene misrepresented the actual use of the camera (I assume the real HDV camera is not water proof) and the legal dept. probably said to take out of the game.

Weird huh, do you know any odd changes that were made from development to the final retail release of any game?

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